Monday, June 14, 2010


We're home and doing well! Dylan took a 3 hour nap when we got home and then ate a great lunch full of roni and cheese and almost a whole can of pears! He's been in great spirits and doesn't seem to be in much pain. After some play time with Aunt Nicki and a walk, he's down for another nap.

He's a bit groggy, but had no problem shoveling in the mac-n-cheese :)


Dylan is out of surgery and in post-op recovery. He did great and was a rock star like he is at pretty much everything!

The surgery was a little bit disappointing...Dr. Ostlie located what they thought was the testicle in Dylan's groin. He is unsure if it was the testicle so we have to wait a while to know the next steps...Dr. Ostlie removed the mass (because it was no longer functional) and we will find out later this week if it was the testicle. If it was the good news is that we are done with surgeries. If it wasn't, Dr. Ostlie will have to go back in with a scope in the abdomen and find the testicle and either bring it into to place or remove it if it's no longer functioning.

I'm a ball of emotions right now...haven't gotten much sleep this past week and I'm unsure how to process all of this...just got the call to come meet him!! More later!!

Bubbles: world's best distractor for kiddos??


  1. He looks like he is back to normal again. We'll have to invest in bubbles--he loves them.
    Thanks for the frequesnt updates.

  2. Glad he is back to normal! Such a sweetie! :)
