Wednesday, January 5, 2011

21 Months...& 2 posts in 1 day??!!??

So, my blog frenzy over Christmas break didn't exactly happen...turns out it's a lot of work taking care of a 21 month old full time! Gives me a new appreciation for daycare teachers and stay at home moms!! But, I will get it done, I promise!!!! Hey, you guys have heard of Christmas in October, right? Kidding, I promise it will be sooner than later!

We took D's 21 month picture a few days late b/c I was waiting for the Santa hat that I wanted D to wear in the came last night and claimed to fit most toddlers and pre-school aged kids...I should've known D didn't fit into that "most" category. But, the hat looked very cute on the bear, and D is very happy with his new tent and chairs that Santa brought him.

Make sure you check out the Wordless Wednesdays below :)


  1. Great tent and great picture. A bonus post!

  2. His big head is holding his extra big brain. :) What a cutie and a sweetie! :)

  3. Dylan got a tent for Christmas!? That's too cute.
