Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Spring Program

Dylan's spring program was last Sunday...Dylan was VERY excited and loved practicing all of the songs.  It was hilarious when his individual class sang, he had the most serious/intense/seemingly angry look on his face.  They sang Let's Go To The Zoo, and let's just say that everybody there knew that Dylan really wanted everybody to go to the zoo :)  He may or may not have been the kiddo that the audience was all laughing with because he was so cute and funny!  He did a GREAT job and knew all the words and motions!  I told him next time, he needs to remember to smile.  I tried to capture his expression in a few pics :)

There was a small group that sang the first verse of America the Beautiful. Dylan wasn't originally supposed to be in the group but one of the kiddos got sick.  His teacher knew that he could do it and he did a great job.  It was one of those mommy moments that made me so proud it actually brought tears to my eyes.  Here is a little snippet:

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